Saturday, February 16

Nightowl mode activated


I'm getting bad at this posting thing...

So it is past midnight again, and I'm up as usual. Next week school is off for a break, so it'll be fun. We might  have that LOTR marathon, but we'll never know... Also I shall try to sleep enought for a month, and mayhaps read a little bit Finnish for the re-writing. I'm a bit of a procrastinator, if you haven't noticed...

I have an appointment at the hairdresser on Monday. I'm going to color my hair, I'm thinking red and purple ^^

But I should start going to sleep soon, my mother came in to my room, mad at me -.-

Today's song will be 'Stand Up And Run' by Billy Talent. This music video is amazing, the band is amazing, and this song kind of reminds me of someone...

And yes, now should be the time to retire to bed...

So good night, folks, or good morning, or good day, or whatever, I don't know where you all are from.

BYEE!! <33

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